I've loved taking pictures since high school. I have photographed many different subjects, scenes, and moments all over the world.
I am surrounded both by natural beauty and interesting people. I use my camera to document the world and then publish images with a focus on the magic I find in daily life. My pictures tell my stories.
Through my photos, I invite you to bring bits of my stories into your life and home.
August 21, 2022
My Photos of the Ukraine taken long before the invasion by Russia, and the current political problems with the United States.
Panda in China
I Have been a Travel Photographer for the last 50 years., having visited 180 countries.
Photos of my ascent of Uluru in 1977.
Now prohibited to climb to the top since
October 26, 2019.
Claims to have sacred meaning for native Australians.
The Pacific region is very diverse and an interesting place to visit. Come there with me.
My Photos of the less visited South American country of Paraguay.